2000-Watt Certification of Symbiosis University Campus

Originating in Switzerland, the 2000-watt concept proposes to reduce the overall average primary energy usage of a world citizen to no more than 2000 watts by the year 2050 – without lowering their standard of living. It also proposes that access to 2,000 watts of energy is enough to participate fully and comfortably in a modern lifestyle, and it can be delivered for about one tonne of CO2 a year.

The 2000-watt vision was o tackling climate change and mitigating the risk of future conflicts over scarce resources. The concept uses a ‘Personal Energy Label’ in which individuals can check their energy consumption, making it easier to calculate energy savings and emission reductions.

The Pune Municipal Corporation in implementing this concept within its city boundary with the well renowned Symbiosis International University in Pune as a pilot site. The University is currently home to over 18,000 full-time students and is well regarded for pursuing sustainability goals in the areas of solar energy, green mobility and food security. With support from Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation and the Swiss REPIC program, the University is working with the 2000-watt Smart City Association to initiate a climate neutrality certification project based on the 2000-watt society concept.

Based on the Swiss model, the 2000-w certification process is being adapted to the Indian context, and specially to the Pune campus.
Going forward, the University will develop a master plan for energy, building design, construction methods, mobility, food, waste management and other areas. The certification of SIU could set a benchmark for a sustainable campus and urban developments in the future.

With climate change looming large, the proper implementation of concepts such as 2000-watt society can help mitigating the risk of scarce resources and save energy.