Propelling India’s Electricity Transmission Sector

Undertaken By: Idam Infrastructure Advisory Services Pvt. Ltd., Prayas (Initiatives in Health, Energy, Learning and Parenthood),    Recent Publication: 2021

The power sector in India is undergoing radical transformation. India has embarked upon ambitious renewable energy targets with several initiatives ( utility scale solar, wind farm projects, solar parks, hybrid RE projects with storage and rooftop solar) underway at the national and state levels. A strong and robust transmission system is key to integrating high shares of renewables, reducing the overall cost of delivery and enhancing system reliability.

As India steadily adds renewable energy capacities, transmission bottlenecks have begun to emerge such as the low utilization of new and planned transmission corridors. Moreover, accelerated technological developments, shifting consumer preferences and a rapidly evolving fuel market are opening new challenges for power system planners and operators. These issues will only become more severe and lead to harmful lock-ins and stranded investments unless long-term planning measures are undertaken.

This initiative brings together key industry experts from the transmission sector through the creation of the Transmission Expert Group, which deliberates on reforms in the transmission sector reforms and charts out a way forward for stakeholders.