Join us on the Road to a Clean and Sustainable Future

We cannot tackle climate change alone. Together, we can drive the global climate agenda and halt the worst impacts of climate change– forging closer collaboration with governments, philanthropists, civil society and businesses.

We need a revolution in energy, transportation, manufacturing and the built environment to dramatically reduce GHG emissions. We need bold climate action to improve equity and social inclusion. We need to build climate resilience for vulnerable people and communities and we need a sustainable future for people, our planet and future generations. Collaboration is key to usher in these critical changes.

Why collaborate with Shakti

We are at the heart of clean energy and climate change discussions in India

We support the delivery of the Paris Agreement and net zero pathways

We are recognized for enabling technical expertise and climate innovation

We encourage climate action at all levels, including national, local, businesses, academia and civil society

We enhance knowledge, expertise, access and outreach through our learning forums and dialogues

Opportunities for Collaboration

Support our programs

Create strategic joint initiatives and
projects with us

Showcase thought leadership
and action

Promote social engagement
and e-learning

Be part of our energy and climate dialogues, events and seminars

Get in touch

We welcome engagement with government, philanthropists, civil society and business bilateral and multilateral organizations and donors and offer the opportunity to leverage Shakti’ mandate and achievements to produce lasting results. For more information, please contact