Pathways for Lowering Carbon Footprints in Tamil Nadu

Department of Environment, Climate Change & Forest organised an event on June 8, 2023 called ‘Carbon Neutral Nilgiris’. The objective was to brainstorm on how the Nilgiri district, one of the 4 districts in Tamil Nadu that intends to become carbon neutral, can move towards the goal of carbon neutrality. Vasudha Foundation undertook a quick analysis and presented the same to the group. Shakti was invited to be part of the discussions.

On 9 June, 2023, Tamil Nadu Governing Council on Climate Change held the first meeting of sectoral sub-committees under the leadership of the Governing Council members. This committee was formed after the first Tamil Nadu Governing Council on Climate Change meeting chaired by the Hon’ble Chief Minister earlier this year in March 2023. This meeting discussed various pathways and strategies that will steer the state towards achieving the goal of Net-Zero. Shakti, as part of the climate finance sub-committee, along with WRI India, presented some ideas to be considered as the state moves towards netneutrality.