Shakti Conducted a Convening on Sustainable and Climate-resilient Practices in Agriculture and Land Use Within India

On September 13, 2023, Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation conducted a convening that aimed to pave the way for sustainable and climate-resilient practices in agriculture and land use within India. This convening brought together a diverse array of experts representing prominent civil society organizations, creating a dynamic and insightful platform for dialogue.

The convening fostered robust discussions among participants, all of whom shared the common objective of finding effective strategies to bolster sustainable agriculture and land use across the country. The exchange of ideas was both illuminating and constructive, reflecting the urgency of addressing environmental challenges in the agricultural sector.

Key topics on the agenda included enhancing soil health, fertilizer optimization, enhancing livestock productivity, restoring forests and wetlands, and promoting other sustainable practices rooted in agroecological approaches at the grassroots level in a manner that enables climate-resilience for the communities. The engagement of experts from various sectors added depth and breadth to the conversations, ensuring a comprehensive exploration of solutions.

The discussion was well-received, highlighting the importance of collaboration and knowledge sharing in tackling India’s agricultural and land use challenges. With a commitment to sustainable and climate-resilient pathways, this event set a positive precedent for future endeavors aimed at transforming India’s agriculture into a model of environmental stewardship and economic viability.