Sustainable Cooling and Consumer Behaviour: Strategies for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Sustainable Cooling and Consumer Behaviour: Strategies for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, was organised by TERI – The Energy and Resources Institute on November 28, 2023, in New Delhi. The event aimed to bring together a diverse group of stakeholders to discuss the importance of consumer engagement in promoting sustainable cooling practices. By fostering dialogue and collaboration among industry experts, academics, policymakers, and relevant stakeholders, the event sought to identify effective strategies for encouraging consumers to adopt sustainable cooling solutions.

Sustainable cooling practices among consumers are not just an option but a necessity for mitigating climate change and ensuring a sustainable future. Empowering consumers with knowledge, encouraging technology adoption, implementing behavioural nudges, leveraging social marketing, and establishing supportive policies, can collectively reduce the environmental impact of cooling appliances and pave the way for a cooler, cleaner planet.

Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation participated in this event which delved into the challenges at the grassroots level for low uptake of sustainable cooling appliances. Bansi Shukla, Senior Programme Manager, Industry, Buildings & Cooling, Shakti, while speaking at a Panel Discussion, ‘Sustainable Cooling and Consumer Behaviour – Strategies for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning’ said, “We at Shakti are committed to understanding and addressing issues regarding Sustainable Cooling and one of the key initiatives we support is the development of a dedicated web-based tool for consumers which aims to educate and empower them about energy-efficient alternatives available in the market. ” She also highlighted that dedicated concepts are being explored to nudge consumer behaviour towards responsible cooling as consumers play a key role in market transformation at this.