In a collaborative effort spearheaded by the Bihar State Pollution Control Board (BSPCB), alongside Development Alternatives (DA) and Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation (Shakti), the Bihar Minister of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change (DoEFCC) released the following two pivotal reports:
- Low Carbon Pathway for Sugar Mills in Bihar
- Low Carbon Pathway for Re-Rolling Mills in Bihar
Dr Sachin Kumar, Director, Building, Cooling, and Industry, attended the release of two reports by DoEFCC, Government of Bihar, by Shri Tej Pratap Yadav, Hon’ble Minister, DoEFCC, Government of Bihar.
These reports are part of Shakti’s long-term partnership on BSPCB’s overarching project ‘Climate Resilient and Low Carbon Development Pathways for Bihar.’ This initiative aims to assess Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and recommend low-carbon development strategies for key industries in Bihar, including the brick sector, calcined pet coke, re-rolling mills, distilleries, rice mills, cement industries and the sugar sector. The released reports specifically focus on the re-rolling mills and sugar mills sectors after a thorough review and research under this initiative.
In his address at the event, Dr Sachin Kumar, highlighted various interventions where Shakti had extended knowledge support to DoEFCC, Government of Bihar and thanked the Government of Bihar for choosing Shakti as their partner for their Low carbon development journey. He also underscored the imperative of curbing carbon emissions across diverse sectors while emphasising the importance of capacity building for both workers and industry owners.