Electrification of Trucks for Cement Sector in India

Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) organised the second Stakeholder Awareness Workshop on ‘Electrification of Trucks for Cement Sector,’ in Gurugram on February 16, 2024. During the open forum discussion, representatives from various departments within the cement industry shared insights on the adoption of electric trucks (E-trucks). The workshop emphasised the necessity of charging infrastructure nationwide for cement dispatch and clinker transportation, highlighting the potential for implementation within plant premises or controlled local areas.

Balaji R, Senior Programme Manager, Electric Mobility, Shakti, said “India’s cement sector, which, despite being hard-to-abate, holds substantial potential for sustainability improvements. With logistics accounting for 10-15% of total manufacturing costs and most cement groups utilising ICE trucks, the transition to e-trucks presents a tangible pathway to drive impactful change towards a more environmentally friendly industry.”

Key points raised during the workshop included the advantageous lower initial capital outlay with a 5% GST rate compared to ICE trucks, concerns over payload reduction due to battery weight, strategies for optimising charging time through strategic location identification, and the positive aspect of enhanced driver comfort with E-trucks. Suggestions were made for retrofitting solutions, organising workshops to accelerate E-truck adoption, exploring battery-swapping options, and incentivising green financing. Participants also called for extending subsidies under the Fame Policy to commercial EVs beyond four-wheelers and urged the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) to advocate for expedited approvals and shared ecosystem infrastructure development.