Evolve – 23 : Exploring Innovative Financing and Funding to Enable the Transition

Shakti was associated as a Knowledge Partner along with WRI, TERI and GIZ. for EVOLVE 23, an International Conference and Expo hosted by Kerala’s Transport Department, in line with the e-mobility road map chalked out by the state. Ruchir Shukla, Shakti, moderated sessions on regulatory architecture and financing to foster the EV transition in the country. Envisaged as an International Conference and Expo, charted by the Transport Department, in line with the e-mobility road map chalked out by the State, evolve- 23 was aimed to be a platform for policymakers across the country, together with pioneers in Industry and Academic stalwarts, to converge, explore and facilitate the paradigm shift from a fossil fuel-centric transport sector to clean, efficient and futuristic alternative