Sachin Kumar speaking at the Cooling event at New Delhi
Shakti co-hosted a Cooling Event on Feb 6, 2023 themed India’s Pathway to Cooling for All: Action, Ambition, and Opportunities. The event was attended by representatives from 27 organisations working in the domain of Cooling in India. The purpose of the convening was to understand the current state & sectoral challenges and identify the priority actions across four thematic areas- a) Cold Chain, b) Passive Cooling, building Codes, c) HFC phasedown and Kigali d) Efficient cooling equipment: Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS), and Standard & Labelling (S&L). Sachin Kumar, Director, Industry, Building & Cooling Programmes, Shakti, spoke about the need for action at the subnational level and how it is important to respect the challenges in the cooling domain of India and identify opportunities for implementing codes and guidelines designed at the National level to the city level, to the municipality level.