Revolutionising Manufacturing with Sustainability to Achieve Net-Zero Output across Economic Sectors

Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation participated in a panel discussion on ‘Revolutionising Manufacturing with Sustainability to Achieve Net-Zero Output across Economic Sectors’ organised as a part of the ‘Udyog Utsav – The Festival of Manufacturing’ on March 7, 2024, at DAIC Janpath, New Delhi.

Narayankumar Sreekumar, Associate Director, Electric Mobility Initiative, said, “Transforming manufacturing through sustainable practices is our pathway to achieving net-zero output, heralding a revolution in economic sustainability. Stringent regulations, supportive market mechanisms, and embracing women empowerment (Nari Shakti) would play a key role in revolutionising the manufacturing ecosystem.”

The Festival of Manufacturing seeks to celebrate 10 years of Make in India to showcase the remarkable progress made in the last decade, highlight success stories, and chart the way forward for India’s manufacturing sector.

The event brought together conglomerates, MSMEs, start-ups, associations, financial, R&D, and educational institutions under one umbrella to celebrate India’s proliferating manufacturing sector. Participants exchanged ideas, showcased innovations, and discussed collaborative opportunities. It served as a platform for networking, knowledge sharing, and exploring synergies across diverse sectors. The event aimed to foster growth, promote sustainability, and contribute to the advancement of India’s manufacturing landscape.