Synergistic Actions for SDGs and Climate Change

Effectively Delivering Sustainable, Resilient and Innovative Solutions to Achieve the SDGs

Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation Participated in the ‘Annual World Sustainable Development Summit’ (WSDS) 2024 organised by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in collaboration with the International Climate Initiative (IKI), and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety, and Consumer Protection, in the session on ‘Synergistic Actions for SDGs and Climate Change’ on February 8, 2024, in New Delhi.

In the latter half of the Decade of Action and Delivery, the panel discussed how implementation, particularly of environmental SDGs, needed to be intensified, drawing guidance from the Global Sustainable Report (GSDR) and the SDG Summit. The session explored maximizing synergies between climate action and SDG implementation by leveraging insights from the Global Sustainable Development Report, the SDG Summit, national policy plans, and ongoing research.

Nidhi Madan, Associate Director, Climate Policy, Shakti, said “To implement Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and climate actions effectively, we must shift the narrative in engagements with sub-national governments, since they play a pivotal role in actualising these goals. Emphasising economic diversification and adopting an economy-wide approach in planning interventions is essential.”