The Future of
Coal In India

Coal is central to any discussion on low-carbon economies. Coal still accounts for about 70% of India’s electricity generation. In addition, coal is heavily used in industries. The fossil fuel industry, particularly coal, influence the livelihood of a large section of Indian population both directly and indirectly, many of whom come from poor and vulnerable communities. The revenue of states such as Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Odisha and institutions such as the Indian Rail crucially depend on coal. Hence, India’s low-carbon transition must be planned keeping in mind these social and human factors. This webinar brings together leading voices from parliament, government, and industry to talk about these issues.

Date: 5th May 2021
Time: 7.30 pm


  • Dr. Anshu Bhardwaj, CEO
    Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation


  • Anil Kumar Jain, IAS
    Ministry of Coal, Government of India
  • Jayant Sinha
    Member of Parliament, and Chairman
    Standing Committee on Finance in Parliament
  • Meher Pudumjee
    Thermax Ltd
  • C Venugopal
    Technical Director
    Karnataka Power Corporation Limited