Annual Work Planning Workshop- Modelling Long Term Low Carbon Pathways

Shakti organised its Annual Work Planning Workshop on January 25, 2024, on “Modelling Long-Term Low Carbon Pathways” programme. The primary objective of the workshop was to assess the advancements achieved across different projects within the programme, identify challenges encountered by partners, and explore additional areas for the development of a resilient low-carbon pathway. The workshop had congregation of experts from leading think tank, academic institutions, and various subject matter experts etc. to collectively brainstorm and deliberate on opportunities to harmonise ongoing efforts with India’s low-carbon growth.

The discussions during the workshop were focused on how the analysis can inform in informing robust national climate goals and utilising these rich modelling tools and analysis at the national level to the sub-national level. Participants emphasised the need to broaden the scope of modelling efforts to include regional and local considerations. This recognition stems from the increasing climate risks, necessitating the customisation of strategies to suit specific sub-national contexts. The discussions in the workshop also emphasised on embracing a consortium-based approach for modelling long-term low-carbon pathways involves collaborating with diverse stakeholders, combining expertise, and fostering a collective effort to develop comprehensive and effective strategies.