Annual Work Planning Workshop: Sub-National Action on Climate Change

On January 31, 2024, the Climate Policy team of Shakti hosted its Annual Work planning Workshop on ‘Sub-National Action on Climate Change’. The primary objective of the workshop was to assess the advancements achieved across different projects within the programme and explore additional areas for the development of a resilient low-carbon pathway at the sub-national level.

The event brought together a spectrum of stakeholders deeply vested in the climate domain, including representatives from CSO partner organisations, researchers, and subject matter experts. The workshop delved into critical areas across sub-national engagement, such as on the roles of states, cities, districts, and gram panchayats in informing and contributing to India’s climate goals. Discussions on translating national climate objectives into actionable plans at various governance structures at the sub-national level also took place.

One of the focal points of the workshop revolved around the establishment of a shared platform that could facilitate cross-learning across various states. With this platform, the states could exchange insights and experiences garnered from successful initiatives and the challenges encountered during implementation. Integral to the discussions was the invaluable input from participants who brought diverse perspectives to the table on how to develop and operationalise this platform. Participants also provided valuable insights on strategies for effectively translating planning efforts into implementation at various governance levels. Overall, the event successfully navigated through critical areas of sub-national engagement, fostering conversations that have the potential to catalyse impactful climate action at the grassroots level in India.