Moving Towards a
Sustainable Future Together

Global momentum is building to achieve net zero in GHG emissions through clean energy pathways. But getting there will require unprecedented levels of innovation, speed and scale. The Future Lab is where we look at next generation ideas for India to drive this change. In a multistage bottom-up, agile process, we generate solution approaches with real impact and economic benefits for India through research, analyses, bold thinking and collaboration.

Ideas at Work for a Sustainable Future

Seeding Civil Society Organisations

The Paris Agreement and COP 26 emphasised the role of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) calling on them to partner with governments to tackle climate change. But the scale and complexity of the interventions required to meet India’s ambitious climate goals call for broader and committed CSO movements that will push for the right policies and a just transition for India.


Artificial Intelligence and Climate Change

Starting today, we need to accelerate the transition to net zero rapidly. This transition requires mitigation and adaptation measures that reduce GHG emissions and build resilience towards climate-related disasters. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can play a meaningful role in enhancing the current understanding of climate change and contribute to combating the climate crisis more effectively.


Blue Climate Solutions

The ocean plays an essential role in regulating the earth’s climate. Covering 70 per cent of the planet, it absorbs CO2 and heat, and the life within it produces half the oxygen we breathe. Scientists say the ocean has absorbed 90 per cent of all the warming that has taken place in the past 50 years. Without that protection, the earth would be heating much more rapidly.


Critical Raw Materials

Critical Raw Materials are an essential building block for clean energy technologies. A clean energy transition to achieve net zero emissions will bring about an enormous increase in demand for these materials. Estimates suggest that to achieve a net zero transition by 2050, the global demand for CRMs is expected to increase by up to six times by 2040. Therefore, it becomes important to ensure their supply and availability.