Integrating Variable Renewable Energy With the Grid: Lessons From the Southern Region

Date : December 10, 2021

Integrating variable renewable energy with the grid is a barrier to effective deployment and therefore scale. To mainstream renewable energy, it is important for the country to have an effective grid integration and management framework. Shakti had supported the development of a national level blueprint to provide recommendations towards this....

Wind Power in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh: Potential Assessment, Costs and Grid Implications

Date : December 10, 2021

Shakti has supported a study to estimate the wind potential of two wind-rich states - Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. This study also attempts to identify and address the challenges in integrating wind power with the grid, suggesting policy recommendations to promote wind power development....

Institutional Mechanisms For the Effective Operation of Wind Power in India

Date : December 10, 2021

This study identifies the technical, policy, regulatory, and institutional mechanisms that will facilitate smoother grid operations with the higher penetration of wind in the power system. It focuses on the Renewable Regulatory Fund (RRF) mechanism, which was introduced by the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC), to improve the forecast accuracy and control the wind power output withi...

DSM Action Plan for Tamil Nadu

Date : December 10, 2021

The study assesses the load pattern in Tamil Nadu. It looks into the consumption pattern of each consumer category–agricultural, industrial, domestic and commercial, and identifies possible intervention opportunities for DSM in each category. It also recommends a set of regulatory and institutional measures to promote demand side management and energy efficiency in the state....

Report of the Expert Group on 175 Renewable Electricity (RE) by 2022

Date : December 10, 2021

One of the key highlights of the report is that it assesses the extent of the financial support required to meet the target of 175 GW of renewable energy by 2022. Taking this forward, the report analyses the various financial and policy mechanisms to cover the incremental cost of renewable energy until grid parity is achieved. It also explores the financing requirements and potential business mode...

Utility CEO Forum: Annual report 2013

Date : December 10, 2021

A summary of the Utility CEO Forum’s activities in 2013 providing an assessment of the Forum’s objectives, achievements, tactics pursued, challenges faced and lessons learnt during the first year of its inception....

First Utility CEO Forum Background Paper : Barriers and Enabling Mechanisms for Advancing Megawatt Scale DSM Programs in India

Date : December 10, 2021

This paper identifies the barriers to advancing mega-watt scale utility supported DSM programs in the country, and solutions to address these barriers. It also captures examples of best practices (both local and international) that have been adopted by DSM stakeholders to demonstrate mechanisms that can successfully promote utility DSM in the country...

Proceedings of the First Utility CEO Forum

Date : December 10, 2021

The Utility CEO Forum was launched in early 2013 to provide a platform for Indian Electric Utilities to facilitate the design, development and delivery of large-scale DSM programs in India. The Forum discussed the barriers around advancing megawatt DSM in the country, acknowledging the need to sensitize public sector utilities on the advantages of DSM. The need for a model DSM policy was agreed up...

Second Utility CEO Forum Background Paper : Model State Policy on Utility Driven DSM

Date : December 10, 2021

The model DSM policy is a guiding document for State Governments striving to accelerate large-scale utility-driven DSM investments. The policy was extensively discussed amongst the Forum participants and covers a range of elements including definition and scope of DSM, policy objectives, DSM targets, loading order, financing of DSM programs, rewards and incentives, Monitoring and Verification (M&a...

Proceedings of the Second Utility CEO Forum

Date : December 10, 2021

The Forum discussed a model state policy on utility- driven DSM focusing on the need for a state DSM policy and its proposed elements....