Joint Letter to Secretary Moniz and Deputy Chairman Ahluwalia (2014)

Date : December 5, 2021

The Joint Letter shares key insights and recommendations that can help to bolster clean energy and climate cooperation and help in better collaboration between India and the U.S....

Guiding Framework and Toolkits For Clean Air Action Plans

Date : December 5, 2021

Rapid growth in energy, transport, and manufacturing sectors, combined with increasing urbanization, has had an adverse impact on air quality. The Government of India has taken a significant step by notifying the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) which targets reduction in particulate emission by 20-30% by 2024, over 2017 level, in all the 122 non-attainment cities identified under NCAP. Along w...

The Fly Ash Brick Industry in Bihar (2016)

Date : December 5, 2021

The Bihar brick industry is currently based on decentralized production activity using energy intensive, resource depleting and highly polluting technologies and production methods with Fixed Chimney Kilns (FCKs) being the predominant firing technology. In order to ensure that the state’s economic growth is not at the cost of environment and public health, it is extremely necessary to take initi...

Manual on Cleaner Brick Kiln Technologies: Design, Construction and Operation

Date : December 5, 2021

The manual prepared by experts explains the design, construction and operation of cleaner brick kiln technologies like high draught zigzag kilns, natural draught zigzag kilns, vertical shaft brick kilns etc. The manual is a means to provide technical assistance to brick kiln entrepreneurs of the Patna district in Bihar to shift to cleaner technologies to manufacture bricks....

Unclamping India – How To Deal With Polluting Clamp-Type Kilns

Date : December 5, 2021

Clamps are one of the one of the least efficient and most polluting of all brickmaking technologies. As India strives towards a cleaner brick future, phasing clamps out is a necessary step on the way. Based on a survey carried out in Maharashtra, this report provides insights on the adverse environmental impacts of clamps and suggests recommendations to phase out their use....

Integrating Climate Action in the Existing Environmental Legislation in India

Date : December 5, 2021

Over the past decade, about 1,100 national legislation and policies have been proposed around the world that are directly or indirectly related to climate action. In India, the discussion to enact a national climate change legislation was proposed by advocacy groups after the Paris Agreement (2015). Given the context of India’s climate and environmental governance, including the challenges of im...