Domestic Climate Policy and Initiatives

Date : February 20, 2023

The challenge of climate change is often referred to the most defining issue of our time. In the last few years, India has announced several policies and programmes, including several national missions and state-level action, all of which have significant implications for India's abilities to meet its climate goals. Shakti is supporting research to recommend ways to improve the design and implemen...

The GHG Platform India – India’s First Civil Society Platform for GHG Estimation and Analysis

Date : April 18, 2022

India's emissions will continue to grow in the coming years but there are significant mitigation opportunities that exist across various sectors and sub-sectors. The GHG Platform is a collective civil-society initiative providing an independent estimation and analysis of India’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across key sectors such as energy, waste, industry, agriculture, livestock, forestry, a...

The India GHG Program – Helping Businesses Measure and Track GHG Emissions

Date : April 14, 2022

The India GHG Program is an industry-led voluntary initiative to measure and manage GHG emissions. The Program aims to establish a robust and effective institutional set-up providing Indian businesses with access to relevant GHG measurement and accounting tools, customised training and capacity building initiatives. It also provides expertise on appropriate goal setting and voluntary targets, and ...

An Energy Security Index for India

Date : January 19, 2022

The report provides a detailed description of an India-specific, customised energy security index. The index is designed to assess and impart a holistic perspective on the country’s energy security with a view on its unique challenges of accessibility, affordability, and environmental sustainability. Website Link:

The Air Pollution Knowledge Assessments (APnA) city program

Date : January 17, 2022

With rapid urbanization and migration, major metropolitan cities as well as tier-2 cities are witnessing a rise in population, infrastructure needs and energy needs. This in turn is increasing pollution levels and worsening the quality of air. There have been attempts to quantify the impact of air pollution and its sources for metropolitan cites like Delhi, Chennai, and Mumbai. But there is li...

Market Mechanisms for GHG Abatement

Date : January 17, 2022

India will need to rely upon market-based mechanisms such as internal carbon pricing, carbon taxes, the emissions cap and trade to manage GHG emissions. Shakti is facilitating research and stakeholder consultations to facilitate the emergence of suitable market-based instruments. ...

Interpreting the Transparency Framework under the Paris Agreement and its Implications for India

Date : January 17, 2022

The transparency framework is an important element of the Paris Agreement. It includes obligations for countries to evaluate their mitigation efforts. But what are the implications of this framework for India? As key parameters of the transparency regime are negotiated and agreed upon, India will have to strengthen its domestic institutional framework on the MRV of climate actions. Through res...

Briefing Paper Series on India’s Climate Actions

Date : January 17, 2022

To help inform the domestic actions on climate change, Shakti launched a briefing paper series to provide an up-to-date account and analysis of India’s efforts to fight against global climate change. The goal of this series is to promote informed discussion and debate on important developments that are likely to shape climate policy in India....

India-U.S. Track II Dialogue on Energy and Climate Change

Date : January 14, 2022

The India-U.S. Track II Dialogue on Energy and Climate Change brings together a diverse array of thought leaders from India and the United States – including former senior government officials, industry leaders, and heads of civil society organizations – to inform and encourage India-U.S. partnership at a strategic level and on climate and energy issues. Dialogue participants meet in person re...

International Climate Negotiations

Date : January 13, 2022

A close tracking of international climate negotiations is essential to assess their implications for India. For this, Shakti supports efforts to track international climate deliberations and inform decision makers on the actions that India should take to effectively deliver on its climate commitments....