FLEET Long Range Planning Tool for STUs: User Manual

Date : December 10, 2021

To provide assistance to the targeted users (STU officials, bus operators, researchers etc), the FLEET tool is supported with a user manual. This document is developed by the project team for guiding the user regarding usability and functionality of the FLEET tool. The User manual explains step by step data inputs for each of user forms. It explains the functionality of the tool, data requirement,...

Value of Transit Data: Assessment Of Impacts of Real-Time Information Provision to Passengers

Date : December 10, 2021

This report aims to measure the monetary value of the benefits resulting from the use of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) data to share real-time information and the value-addition of the open data in sharing information. The report also includes a qualitative assessment of the impact of open data on transport sector start-ups who are one of the main beneficiaries of open data. Located in Benga...