Third Utility CEO Forum Background Paper: Electric Utility Load Research and DSM Programme Design

Date : December 10, 2021

This paper illustrates some of the commonly adopted methods for load research and successful programme designs for rolling out DSM measures. Load research forms a critical component in the overall DSM process cycle as it helps electric utilities to identify strategic DSM measures and also quantify the resource potential for those measures. The paper also summarizes the key features of successful D...

Proceedings of the Third Utility CEO Forum

Date : December 10, 2021

The Forum disseminated best practices for undertaking electric utility load research and designing utility driven DSM programs through case studies....

Proceedings of the Fourth Utility CEO Forum

Date : December 10, 2021

The Forum highlighted the relevance of Measurement and Verification (M&V) of utility-driven DSM programmes....

Status of Renewable Energy Development in India in 2016-17

Date : December 10, 2021

This report synthesizes a host of developments in the renewables sector during the year 2016-17 covering power generation from various renewable energy technologies, advances in policy and regulatory frameworks, growth in manufacturing capacity and investment flows, and contribution of renewables to emissions reduction. The analysis shows that 2016-17 has been a landmark year for renewables in Ind...

Access to Clean Cooking Energy and Electricity – Survey of States 2018

Date : December 9, 2021

ACCESS 2018 survey revisits the households to understand the changes in their energy access situation over the last three years, and to study the impact of government policies during this period. Its analysis and findings provide a multidimensional view of the nuances associated with electricity access and cooking energy access such as the duration of supply, quality, reliability, affordability, a...

SARAL- State Rooftop Attractiveness Index 2018-19

Date : December 9, 2021

India aims to install 40 GW of rooftop solar capacity by 2022. The SARAL Index is designed to help states achieve this goal. It encourages states to assess initiatives undertaken so far as well as the scope for future improvement by evaluating and ranking all states according to their performance, growth, level of maturity, policy framework, and implementation environment in the rooftop solar sect...

Assessing the Feasibility of Solar applications in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Rural India

Date : December 9, 2021

Around 63.4 million unincorporated non-agricultural micro small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are estimated to be engaged in various economic activities in India, contributing to 29% of the total gross domestic product (GDP) and employing nearly 111 million people. Microenterprises alone constitute more than 99% of the entire MSME sector. The central and state governments have been rolling out re...

Empowering Bihar’s Health Sector With Decentralised Renewable Energy

Date : December 9, 2021

The impacts of COVID-19 on the health, economic, and humanitarian fronts were felt deeply all across the country. According to a survey by the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE), Bihar was one of the states that faced the worst impacts of the COVID-19 induced lockdown. In the wake of pandemic, more than 1.5 million migrant workers have returned to the state and Bihar now faces the task of...

Propelling India’s Electricity Transmission Sector

Date : December 9, 2021

The power sector in India is undergoing radical transformation. India has embarked upon ambitious renewable energy targets with several initiatives ( utility scale solar, wind farm projects, solar parks, hybrid RE projects with storage and rooftop solar) underway at the national and state levels. A strong and robust transmission system is key to integrating high shares of renewables, reducing the ...