Low-Cost Air Quality Monitors in 50 Indian Cities to Provide Real Time and Credible Air Quality Data

Date : January 15, 2022

Cities need good quality data on pollution levels, affected areas, sources and related information to be able to design strong air quality management plans. But a number of Indian cities are still outside the ambit of air quality monitoring, whereas other cities (like New Delhi) have a disproportionately high number of real-time air quality monitoring stations. Increasing the availability of air q...

Using Resource Efficient Materials in Brick Kilns – Bihar

Date : January 15, 2022

Shakti is enabling technical assistance to the Government of Bihar as well as brick makers and entrepreneurs in Bihar to support the adoption of cleaner and more efficient brick making technologies as well as resource efficient building materials like fly ash bricks. Brick makers are being assisted to comply with the recent order of the Bihar State Pollution Control Board to upgrade older brick ki...

India-U.S. Track II Dialogue on Energy and Climate Change

Date : January 14, 2022

The India-U.S. Track II Dialogue on Energy and Climate Change brings together a diverse array of thought leaders from India and the United States – including former senior government officials, industry leaders, and heads of civil society organizations – to inform and encourage India-U.S. partnership at a strategic level and on climate and energy issues. Dialogue participants meet in person re...

A Multi-Pronged Approach to Tackling Air Pollution in Indian States

Date : January 13, 2022

Air pollution is a multi-faceted challenge which requires a comprehensive and integrated approach towards designing plausible solutions. The reports under this initiative investigate the various causes of air pollution across India, and propose recommendations that can be implemented to improve air quality management at the ground level...

International Climate Negotiations

Date : January 13, 2022

A close tracking of international climate negotiations is essential to assess their implications for India. For this, Shakti supports efforts to track international climate deliberations and inform decision makers on the actions that India should take to effectively deliver on its climate commitments....

Climate Co-Benefits

Date : December 13, 2021

Appropriate consideration of climate co-benefits such as reduced health effects and improved agricultural yields, among others, should inform policy decisions on climate change. Shakti is supporting efforts to characterise co-benefits that will be derived through policy actions designed to mitigate climate change....

India Energy Security Index

Date : December 13, 2021

The report provides a detailed description of an India-specific, customised energy security index. The index is designed to assess and impart a holistic perspective on the country’s energy security with a view on its unique challenges of accessibility, affordability, and environmental sustainability. Website Link: http://www.indiaenergysecurityindex.in/...

Air Law and Policy Reporter (Volume I)

Date : December 13, 2021

The Air Law Policy Reporter is an update on legal and policy development in the field of Air Pollution in India. The first volume was issued in December, 2016....

Children in the Chulha Trap

Date : December 13, 2021

The report assesses how switching from biomass-based solid fuels to cleaner liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for cooking of midday meals in anganwadis in Bihar can help reduce exposure of children to toxic air....

Trucks: Heavy Duty Pollution and Action

Date : December 13, 2021

The report highlights the contribution of emissions from heavy duty vehicles, particularly trucks, in elevating levels of pollution in Indian cities and towns....