India Specific Air Transport Emission Factors for Passenger Travel and Material Transport

Date : December 9, 2021

A methodology to estimate India specific air transport emission factors to aid Indian corporates for strengthening its GHG accounting process....

Carbon Markets in India

Date : December 9, 2021

As India joins the global momentum on carbon pricing, there is a clear need to explore the avenues for implementing a domestic carbon market in India. The briefing paper explores the implementation avenues, opportunities and challenges for carbon markets in India....

Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting in India

Date : December 9, 2021

Over the past fifteen years number of national, regional and local governments have established mandates on emissions measurement and reporting. Broadly applicable to the corporate sector, mandatory emissions reporting allows policy makers to evaluate industry related climate impacts from time to time.For India to explore the possibility of designing and implementing a mandatory emissions reportin...

Exploring Greenhouse Gas Mapping Within the Perform, Achieve & Trade (PAT) Reporting Framework

Date : December 8, 2021

This issue brief explores opportunities available to integrate GHG reporting within the existing reporting framework of PAT by assessing two sectors included in the PAT scheme....

CEO Forum on Air Quality

Date : December 8, 2021

Shakti in partnership with WRI India has convened a high-level platform for CEOs and business leaders with the goal of fostering Industry leadership on air quality issues. The platform acts as a forum to deliberate on the role of Indian Industry in supporting ambient air quality improvements, technology advancements, financing and innovation. It aims to develop actionable recommendations to tackle...

Climate Co-benefits

Date : December 8, 2021

India has demonstrated its commitment to fast-track greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation measures that align well with its development priorities. A consideration of co-benefits, such as improvement of air quality, expected reductions in human health impacts, increase in agricultural yields etc. against a business-as-usual (BAU) pathway, can significantly strengthen the case for proposed climate action...

Status of Coal Power Stations in Delhi-NCR – Off Target

Date : December 8, 2021

Thermal power-plants within a radius of 300 km of Delhi and the National Capital Region (Delhi-NCR) have been directed to comply to the new and more stringent emission standards. The report presents plant-wise compliance measures undertaken by the power stations in the Delhi-NCR. The report also makes recommendations on steps which should be taken by the power plans to achieve compliance at the ea...

The Missing Ingredient- A Survey Report on the Quality of Fly Ash Bricks in Delhi-NCR

Date : December 8, 2021

Several regulations have been introduced to promote the use of fly ash as a resource material for brick making. Despite this regulatory push, the uptake of fly ash is still very low. One of the main setbacks is the scepticism around the quality of the fly ash bricks being manufactured. A survey was conducted in Delhi-NCR to examine the quality of fly ash bricks being produced against various techn...

Emissions Monitoring of Brick Kilns- Zigzag vs FCBTK

Date : December 8, 2021

Emissions from brick kilns depend on several factors including kiln technology type, input fuel used, brick setting practices to name a few. This report provides an assessment of stack emission monitoring for a few brick kilns in Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. The objective of the report is to understand particulate matter readings observed in different kiln types and the factors which influence v...

Industry-Specific Emission Standards in India

Date : December 8, 2021

The industrial sector is a significant contributor of stack emissions in India, from localised sources such as brick kilns and diesel generator sets, to large centralised facilities such as coal- fired thermal power plants and oil refineries. Industry emission standards have an important role to play in reducing emissions and improving air quality....