COVID-19: To Pause and Look Back To See The Future

Date : May 6, 2020

The COVID-19 outbreak has deracinated life across the globe to expose the structural weaknesses of our system, such as income inequalities, weak healthcare systems, inadequate education, and the lack of global co-ordination. Throughout history, we have faced many deadly pandemics. Yet, after centuries of development, we stand at the crossroads witnessing human fatalities along with impacts on the ...

F20 Foundations Platform on Climate Change

Date : November 1, 2017

The F20 Foundations Platform is an alliance of over 40 foundations that have joined forces in order to further shape the political discourse on future sustainability measures. At the July 2017 G20 Summit in Hamburg, the Platform called for common and transnational action towards a zero-carbon economy and the successful implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Further, the Foundations Platform aims to hi...