Clean Air Action Plans, Pathways and Source Apportionment Studies

Undertaken By: Multiple ,    Recent Publication: 2021

Recognizing the need to combat dangerous air pollution, the Indian government launched the National Clean Air Program (NCAP) in 2019 to reduce outdoor air pollution (particulate matter) in 132 non-attainment Indian cities i.e. cities where air quality is worse than the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. India is severely affected by air pollution–it caused 1.24 million or 12.5% of the total deaths recorded in the country during 2017 alone. Poor air also causes ecosystem degradation, worsens agriculture and visibility. Delivering on India’s clean air ambitions can help to secure a cleaner and healthier economy for all Indians.

The NCAP is a long-term, time-bound, national level strategy to tackle air pollution with targets to achieve 20-30 per cent reduction in particulate matter concentrations by 2024, with 2017 as base year. It requires that non-attainment cities create city-level clean air plans to plan and implement mitigation measures aimed to reduce ambient PM concentrations. An effective clean air action plan is a powerful tool for achieving clean air for cities, comprising a list of mitigation measures for key air pollution sources such as transport, industries, municipal solid waste, construction. Shakti is working with multiple partners to enable the development of clean air plans for cities that provide pragmatics and data-based solutions to tackle worsening air quality.