Undertaken By: Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy , Recent Publication: 2020
There is growing interest amongst Indian policy makers to encourage EV based mobility in cities and phase out ICE vehicles running on traditional fuels in order to reduce the carbon footprint of the economy. One of the key components of an electric vehicle (EV) ecosystem is a robust charging infrastructure. But storage technology is still in its nascent stages in India, and significant capital investment is required to create this infrastructure. To enable correct and timely decision-making on of charging infrastructure, it is necessary to assess available technology options, while considering their utility to each EV segment (Public Buses, E-rickshaws, Private vehicles) and the diverse set of local conditions – physical, financial, environmental and social within which these electric vehicles operate. This initiative is one of the first of its kind to identify charging technologies and varying charging requirements for EV segments in India (such as public buses, e-rickshaws and private vehicles) along with the requirements and processes to set up public charging facilities. The work done under this initiative aims to add to the collective knowledge on charging infrastructure and help policymakers formulate policies around electric vehicle charging