Reducing Risk, Addressing Climate Change Through Internal Carbon Pricing – A Primer for Indian Businesses

Date : December 5, 2021

At a time when many countries have set targets to reduce emissions by 2030 as part of their Nationally Determined Contributions, the importance of the role played by corporations in driving sustainable business models that supplement global efforts is greater than before. A growing number of businesses around the world are turning to internal carbon pricing as a tool to manage climate-related risk...

Discussion Paper on Carbon Tax Structure for India – Full Report

Date : December 5, 2021

Internationally, carbon pricing instruments have witnessed growing interest as cost effective policy measures for climate mitigation. A carbon tax is considered by many as an efficient climate mitigation instrument since it can influence decision making of businesses and individuals to enable transition towards low-carbon and energy efficient technologies. Furthermore, the introduction of Goods an...

Discussion Paper on Carbon Tax Structure for India – Executive Summary

Date : December 5, 2021

Internationally, carbon pricing instruments have witnessed growing interest as cost effective policy measures for climate mitigation. A carbon tax is considered by many as an efficient climate mitigation instrument since it can influence decision making of businesses and individuals to enable transition towards low-carbon and energy efficient technologies. Furthermore, the introduction of Goods an...

Mitigation Instruments for Achieving India’s Climate and Development Goals

Date : December 5, 2021

India is steadily emerging as a key player in the global energy markets as well as in climate negotiations. And although India is already doing more than its fair share in terms of mitigation, it, along with other countries, might need to take on additional targets for the world to achieve the global target of a ‘well below Two Degree C temperature increase’, as specified in the Paris Agreemen...

Patna Clean Air Action Plan

Date : December 5, 2021

Patna is one of the 122 non-attainment cities identified by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) in the National Clean Air Action Plan that was launched in January 2019. The Patna Clean Air Action Plan, which has been adopted by the Bihar State Pollution Control Board (BSPCB), was developed in this context, in order to tackle the air pollution in the city by taking measu...

Assessing Capacity-Building Needs for India’s Climate Actions

Date : December 5, 2021

For India to be a part of a global governance structure that effectively responds to the threat of climate change, it is essential to have consensus among key domestic stakeholders on the need for India to develop a low-carbon economy. This requires identifying opportunities that demonstrate the advantages of pursuing low-carbon growth pathways in the country and help India meet its climate change...

Visualising the Impact of Air Pollution During October and November 2018

Date : December 5, 2021

This report assesses the impact of agricultural burning and Diwali firecrackers on the pollution levels in the vicinity of the deployed monitors in 10 Indian cities during October and November 2018....

Visualizing the Impact of Episodic Air Pollution During October 2018 to February 2019

Date : December 5, 2021

The report assesses the impact of episodic air pollution in the vicinity of the deployed monitors in ten Indian cities from October 2018 to February 2019....

Data Visualization and Analytics of PM 2.5 Air Pollution in 5 Indian Cities (October 2018 To May 2019)

Date : December 5, 2021

This report presents the results of an air quality performance evaluation project. The goal of this project is to deploy 50 real-time air quality monitors (known as "Atmos") spread over 10 Indian cities, evaluate the performance of and provide contextual analytics of this data in periodic reports. This is one of the first projects in India which has developed a nationwide real time PM2.5 monitorin...

Data Visualization and Analytics of PM 2.5 Air Pollution in 5 Indian Cities (June 2019 to November 2019)

Date : December 5, 2021

In this report, data from 5 Indian cities – Mumbai, Lucknow, Raipur, Jaipur and Ahmedabad, has been evaluated for the period of June 2019 to November 2019, and long-term trends like temporal analytics, diurnal trends, calendar visualization and data availability have been presented....