GHG Emissions from India’s Electricity Sector

Date : December 9, 2021

India is the world’s third largest producer and fourth largest consumer of electricity. In March 2016, the total installed capacity (including non-utilities) was 349.2 GW, and the total generation was 1351.97 terawatt hours (TWh). Industries are a major consumer of electricity contributing to 44.11% of the total share followed by the domestic (22.93%) and agriculture sectors (17.81%). India's pe...

Status of the Swacch Bharat Mission – Implications on India’s Solid Waste Emissions

Date : December 9, 2021

This brief focuses on the progress of the ‘Solid Waste Management’ component under the Swachh Bharat Mission - Urban, and analyses the impact of the programme on GHG emissions from the solid waste management sector....

India Climate Report Vol 4

Date : December 9, 2021

The paper is fourth of the briefing paper series that is designed to provide an up-to-date account and analysis of India’s efforts to address climate change. This briefing paper covers an update on trends in renewable energy prices and other domestic as well as international developments to address climate change....

India Climate Report Vol 3

Date : December 9, 2021

The paper is third of the briefing paper series that is designed to provide an up-to-date account and analysis of India’s efforts to address climate change. This paper covers an update on climate finance, new policies announced by various states in India, and other recent developments....

India Climate Report Vol 2

Date : December 9, 2021

The paper is second of the briefing paper series that is designed to provide an up-to-date account and analysis of India’s efforts to address climate change. This paper covers the Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) communicated by India, other recent developments, and an update on climate finance....

Converging the Divergence between Diesel and Petrol Prices

Date : December 9, 2021

This report evaluates the case for reducing the existing price differential through a revenue neutral equalisation of the central excise duties that are levied on diesel and petrol. It assesses the impact of the revision in excise rates on state government finances, truck freight, farmers, car manufacturers and bus operators and passengers, and concludes that a move towards parity of excise rates ...

The Hazy View – Public Survey on Awareness About Air Pollution

Date : December 9, 2021

'The Hazy View', a national survey on air pollution was conducted across 11 Indian cities to gauge public awareness, perceptions and attitudes towards air quality.The survey reveals that while most respondents claim to be reasonably aware about air pollution, the actual of knowledge appears to be lower. A similar gap between awareness and understanding of the health concerns associated with air po...

Conference: Collaborating Efforts to Mitigate Pollution in the Indo-Gangetic Plain

Date : December 9, 2021

This conference brought together high-level stakeholders from Bihar, Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh to deliberate solutions for mitigating air pollution as well as to identity key areas of collaboration. One of the underlying themes of discussion was the need for regional cooperation for a clean air action plan. Collaborative and coordinated action will lead to long-term change, given that air pollut...

India Specific Road Transport Emission Factors

Date : December 9, 2021

A methodology to estimate India-specific road transport emission factors to aid Indian corporates to strengthen their GHG accounting process....

India Specific Rail Transport Emission Factors for Passenger Travel and Material Transport

Date : December 9, 2021

A methodology to estimate India-specific rail transport emission factors to aid Indian corporates in strengthening their GHG accounting process and exploring GHG reduction opportunities....