Climate Co-Benefits

Date : December 13, 2021

Appropriate consideration of climate co-benefits such as reduced health effects and improved agricultural yields, among others, should inform policy decisions on climate change. Shakti is supporting efforts to characterise co-benefits that will be derived through policy actions designed to mitigate climate change....

Climate Co-benefits

Date : December 8, 2021

India has demonstrated its commitment to fast-track greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation measures that align well with its development priorities. A consideration of co-benefits, such as improvement of air quality, expected reductions in human health impacts, increase in agricultural yields etc. against a business-as-usual (BAU) pathway, can significantly strengthen the case for proposed climate action...

Sikkim Gets a GHG Inventory and MRV System

Date : December 8, 2021

Shakti is facilitating the development of The Sikkim Climate Inventory and Monitoring System (SCIMS), which emanates from the state’s vision to remain carbon neutral. The SCIMS is the first step for Sikkim towards realizing the vision of being carbon neutral. The SCIMS is an automated system that annually inventorises GHG emissions by sources and sinks with the additional capability of measuring...

Assessing Capacity-Building Needs for India’s Climate Actions

Date : December 5, 2021

For India to be a part of a global governance structure that effectively responds to the threat of climate change, it is essential to have consensus among key domestic stakeholders on the need for India to develop a low-carbon economy. This requires identifying opportunities that demonstrate the advantages of pursuing low-carbon growth pathways in the country and help India meet its climate change...

Integrating Climate Action in the Existing Environmental Legislation in India

Date : December 5, 2021

Over the past decade, about 1,100 national legislation and policies have been proposed around the world that are directly or indirectly related to climate action. In India, the discussion to enact a national climate change legislation was proposed by advocacy groups after the Paris Agreement (2015). Given the context of India’s climate and environmental governance, including the challenges of im...